
Fall 2020

I can’t get enough of the fall colors. Fall is my favorite time of year to go hiking. It’s not too hot, not too cold and the colors never disappoint.  We went to a nearby farm stand a the kids each picked out a pumpkin to bring home. The older three carved their pumpkins.  This fall we’ve tried out some new parks that we’ve never been to. We’ve gone to Ontario County Park where they had lots of salamanders  under rotting logs. Our homeschool group went to Durand Eastman Park up by Lake Ontario and we did a hike there.  Today we went to Onanda Park on Canandaigua Lake. We’re getting towards the end of our season as far as colors go but there were still lots of pretty colors to be seen.    We ended our hike with a picnic on the lake. Dad taught the kids how to skip rocks. It was a beautiful day!  Happy Fall. πŸ’• Briana 

Date with Helez

Helez has been asking to go on a date all week. So we woke up early and headed out to the local bakery to get some treats. Is the class were a cinnamon roll and coffee. πŸ˜‚ he’s definitely my kid lots of sugar and some caffeine does the soul well. I always enjoy my one on one time with the kids.  I love to get inside their brains and hear some of their thoughts.  I searched Pinterest for questions to ask kids and started through the lists. Some of my favorite responses were...  1.Dad, Nova and his friend Caleb are his best friends.  2.You become an adult when you’re ten.  3. If he could, he’d have a pet elephant the size of a cat.  4. If he could go anywhere in the world he’d go to North America because that’s where Grandma and Grandpa live. He’s buying a house there next fall πŸ˜‚.  5. What makes him a good friend is that he’s helpful. πŸ’• It was such a delight to listen to him. I laughed and smiled and felt blessed to listen to all his wandering thoughts.  He likes to sit up top in the u

September Recap

September flew by. We’ve been remodeling the upstairs unit and that seems to take up a lot of our time. But we’ve also kept busy with homeschooling, apple picking, apple sauce making, going for walks, visiting friends and we spent the last week with a cold and watching copious amounts of movies.  We also took a trip to a friends house who owns a dairy farm. Sissy loved all the baby cows. We learned about how the mama cows are cared for and got to pet babies. All the kids loved the change of scenery.  I’m looking forward to the apartment being done. It’s been hard to keep any sort of a schedule through it all but we’ve survived and even attempted to thrive😜. As the projects slow down we slowly seem to regain a new normal. I’m always trying to work towards a normal and things are always changing. πŸ€ͺ  Happy Fall!  Briana 

Strawberry picking

Strawberries are ready to be picked here in NY. Today we headed to G and S orchards to pick strawberries with our friends Chelsea and her daughter Nova. It was hot but all the kids had fun.  After we came home and I worked on the garden and then we grilled for dinner. Loving the long warm summer days but so ready for my bed tonight!  My best attempt Of a photo of all the kids. Messy, can’t get everyone to smile or look the right direction, but we tried!